Providing free and independent advice and support in Manningham, Bradford
We offer both advice and an empowering self-reliance programme where we help people to solve problems through new skills and knowledge.
Our experienced advice workers will be able to aid you in all aspects of benefits. We can help you to fill out the correct forms for your claim to make sure you get the benefits due.
Whether you need help managing debt, avoiding debt or understanding debt, we can help. We know that bad debt happens to good people.
We offer immigration services including Immigration Consultation, Spouse Visa and UK Citizenship advice. We can help in all other aspects of immigration advice.
We offer a free Form Filling Service to vulnerable people, the elderly and those who are unable to read and write to complete official forms.
“Sajila worked with me to map out the issues so they are now more manageable. I’m so grateful for all the support, it has helped me make positive changes.”
“It’s amazing to feel that someone is on your side. What you do at Manningham Project is fantastic.”
“My adviser helped me to sort out my benefits claim. They listened attentively and asked me all the necessary questions in relation to the claim. I feel so relieved this is now resolved. Thank you.”
“Staff helped me deal with threats from my landlord. I feel much more confident to deal with the situation now and what to say to him.”
Latest News
Yorkshire Water Support Scheme
Yorkshire Water can provide financial help if you’re struggling to pay your bill. They offer immediate short term and longer-term schemes. Check out the range of ongoing help schemes you can apply for: WaterSupport WaterSure Community Trust Water Direct Resolve Click below for your FREE Water Saving Pack!
Winter Appeal
Our project helps to combat social injustice and poverty. We are working to enable people to improve well-being, develop skills, and make positive changes in their lives. Your donation will go towards helping those in financial crisis, by ensuring they receive free independent advice. Your help will ensure that people who are in debt or have benefits problems receive expert support [...]
Staying Put – Domestic & Sexual Abuse Support Services
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