Staying Put provides accommodation and support services to victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual abuse. Their key services include:
- Helpline and webchat – A confidential service offering a referral process from initial assessment to internal or external services.
- IDVA Service – The Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA) support all survivors of domestic abuse, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.
- ISVA Service – The ISVAs provide support to anyone whose case is going, or wants to go through the criminal justice system.
- Accommodation – They provide refuge accommodation to women, with or without children, and dispersed accommodation options for all those who experience domestic abuse.
- Sanctuary Scheme – They provide home security measures that support households to be safe at home, enabling individuals experiencing domestic abuse to live safely in their home.
- Recovery and Resilience - A trauma-informed approach to recovery from domestic and sexual abuse. They provide recovery groups which raise awareness of abuse and focus on healthy relationships.
If you need help with making a professional referral to the counselling team please contact Manningham Project.
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